Oct 27, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

I think President Biden will win the election handily and realize lame duck trmp will do what he can to further damage the country. No longer feeling they must fear trmp maybe the lame duck Senate will do some righteous things. At this point, assuming the new Senate will have a good majority of Democratic women and men and the House remains Democratic as well, I think it would be appropriate for Biden to appoint 3 or 4 qualified people and increase the size of SCOTUS. Seems to me the USA needs the Supreme Court that recognizes our government is "of the people, by the people and FOR the people".

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Oct 27, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

Thank you for putting in words what I was wrestling with and has been horrendous to witness. The depravity of the Republican Party is boundless.

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Oct 27, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

The attitude of the GOP should come as no surprise to anyone, other than the current Democratic leaders who continue to be unprepared to lead. We've watched corporations sacrifice front-line workers to Covid-19 as they reap unprecedented profits. Self-dealing, insider trading, embezzling campaign donations are all part of the GOP handbook. They are no longer a governing party, they are merely grifters lining their pockets, just as corporate CEOs and shareholders have been doing for decades. Democracy is barely an afterthought. If nothing else, we should adopt a new vocabulary for Republicans and SCOTUS. Both are illegitimate actors...continuing to use the same words to describe corrupt actors normalizes the depth of the horrors. Even now I hear so many 'Conservatives' who fear the changes a Democratic majority would bring...as though endless death via an unchecked virus, unrestrained pollution, and contaminated foods (after the few remaining regulations are gutted) weren't sufficiently frightening. As though the loss of healthcare, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and half the population refusing to wear masks, social distance, or accept a vaccine (when it finally arrives) isn't sufficiently frightening. The failure to properly predicate the stakes of this election season is truly frightening.

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Oct 27, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

The DailyKos piece is well worth a read. And John, you’re on point as ever. The point being 🗡 at our hearts. The biggest challenge is to also strip this generation of Republicans of their clever wordsmithing and PR mastery to repeatedly remind all and punish them for this treachery.

The highlight of this treason was the midnight White House balcony staging of Barrett with her pimp, while their gang gazed up - we must take back the rituals and symbolism in time. This must not stand. We mustn’t be lulled into the GOP’s galling bet that we can’t muster our rage to rally and defeat them.

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Oct 27, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

related: this is worth a read as well. Written by a lawyer and member of the SCOTUS Bar:

"Let’s begin with an important statistic, a piece of evidence , if you will: GOP presidents have made 15 of the last 19 SCOTUS appointments. And let’s look at a subset of that mathematical evidence: five of those 15 have been appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote and were approved by Senators representing a minority of the people of the United States. "


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