I remember Hyde. I called him Hypocrite Hyde after he cheated on his wife when he was in his forties. He called it a youthful indiscretion. He was a force behind the impeachment of Bill Clinton who was within his forties. He also covered for Reagan's Iran Contra debacle.

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Dec 17, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

Isn't it remarkable that religions that forbid all abortions claim their dogma affirms the death penalty and unbridled gun ownership. Jesus tells us to love even our enemies. How can people who claim to follow his commandments kill their enemies? I think loving your neighbor, your friends, would require being open at times to the termination of a pregnancy. Killing a breathing human being, on the other hand, even in war and "self defense" is not the way of love Jesus teaches. I cannot presume to know what other religions teach but my guess is that they also teach that love and kindness take precedence over all other doctrines.

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Dec 17, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

Excellent points! In the late 80s, I recall a large counter-protest to Hyde on a college campus where he was invited to speak on the abortion issue. We chanted "women have died because of Hyde!" He was not amused. No surprise then that he also carried on a secret affair while he was lecturing poor women about "personal responsibility".

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