This was really informative and well-written. You said to let you know if we'd like to see more lies debunked--yes please! If this article was condensed, I'd love to read the extended version. Thank you!

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Also under "free speech" would be the campaign finance thing. Corporations as people when pay-to-play is the setting. (But not, of course when corporations physically harm people, i e, PurduePharma can't be charged with manslaughter)

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The healthcare program that our African American president pioneered is unconstitutional, but the phantom health care plan that R's will someday unveil is "beautiful, the best" and incorporates all the benefits of Obamacare but it's not Obamacare. See also NAFTA....

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Another is tax cuts for the wealthy create jobs. In reality, tax cuts make it cheaper to withdraw profits instead of reinvesting in equipment and jobs. An example is after WWII, tax rates where up to 90 percent which spurred the growth that exploded the middle class. If the GOP truly wanted to make America great again as they say, they would do what we know already works.

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The mainstream media has allowed itself to be intimidated by GOPers for far too long. That intimidation has convinced mainstream media personnel and organizations like CNN to provide "balance" by covering right-wing issue framing and garbage narratives as legitimate.

I also think that the majority of media people can't wrap their minds around the perfidy of the right-wing fascistic project. That agenda is so alien and antithetical to how halfway decent people operate that it's literally unbelievable that there exist highly organized forces to crush democracy and institute an authoritarian regime. The right-wingers pay lip service to "freedom", "justice", and the "Constitution", so many media folks are gently deluded into accepting their lies as acceptable discourse and can't see the true objective of imposing fascism.

At some point, the mainstream media needs to get real about what's going on. To me, their engagement in idiotic bothsiderism with right-wingers is as insane as giving equal airtime to child molesters as to victims of child molestation. The fascist project is on full display and the media needs to do its job of protecting America instead of playing games with those who would destroy our country.

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Another big lie was in the "original" constitution, viz. that some human beings were three fifths of white land owning males. It goes on and on. "America was founded as a Christian nation." That's a lie. Think how many of the founding fathers were Deists. And the lie of "separate but equal? I grew up in GA in the late '30s and '40s. The public schools were separate all right. But they were surely not equal. White children went to schools heated by furnaces and with wooden floors. Black children's schools often had neither. Like you say, John, you can go on and on with exposing the lies. Manifest destiny? That's a lie clothed in a kind of religious cloak.

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Facebook is allowing GOP ads to run unfettered despite their 'pledge' to halt political ads 1 week prior to the election while stopping all Democratic ads. Not one MSM interviewer has asked Trump or a GOP Senator about rising autocracy, but they gleefully question Harris about 'socialism'. MSM has accepted the GOP framing of Barrett as a highly qualified justice, irrespective of her actual history https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/10/amy-coney-barrett-is-the-least-experienced-supreme-court-nominee-in-30-years/ Democratic leadership continues to skirt the issue of uncontrolled fascism, allowing vast segments of society to remain ignorant of the unfathomable dangers ahead. Absent a Democratic tsunami at the polls, and post-election investigations if Trump loses, I struggle to see how the media will change the course that allowed disinformation and propaganda to spread so freely.

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Oct 28, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

Nicely written. Sharing!

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