A very eloquent explanation of "you can't fix stupid."

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From what I've seen, encountered, and read, the petty bourgeoisie is comprised of social and cultural traditionalists who see themselves as the true bedrock of America. I think the rise of minority and women's rights, the growth of immigration from non-European countries, mass collegiate education, and greater diversity in the business and media world have all contributed to their sense that the real (read "their") America is "gone".

Along comes this guy who's just as dismissive yet resentful of these anti-American "freaks" who have gained greater power in social, political, and cultural arenas they used to monopolize. Their sense of unjustified loss is very palpable and they are seething with rage and resentment because "those people" have taken their country away from them. However, these folks can't see that their savior is willing to exploit them to even their own deaths. It's a terrible shame because if they could open their eyes just a little, they could see that their true enemies are their supposed heroes.

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Great insightful piece, as always!

Quick copy-edits: “did Donald Trump make Sam Francis’ dream come true.” needs a question mark, and “No where is that betrayal for evident” should be “more evident”. 👍

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First, one small quibble— “petit bourgeoisie,” please. Yes, just my own pedantic thing, “petty” in this context grates on my ears. Um, *eyes.*

Then— I think you’re dead on here, and I’d love to see you go deeper into just who the petit bourgeoisie are in the context of 2020 America.

As you say, they’re not working class whites— but who are they?

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