I agree that we need to avoid showing any respect, even indirect, to anything that Donald Trump says or does. But he's really a symptom of a much deeper, much older, much less treatable disease going back to the 1720s. To the extent we can, we need to delegitimize and disempower the messages and the messengers who spread that disease. That obviously includes Trump, but even more it includes the other much smarter, more cunning figures who will undermine American Democracy no matter what happens to Trump.

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Are you taking full account of all the evangelistas? They are all in...

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“In an ideal world, Never Trump Republicans will vote Democratic in the short run because preserving democracy is infinitely more important than honest differences over taxes, government regulation and foreign policy."

Call me a pessimist, but that's where you loose me.

Yes, a *rational* person would decide to vote for the other party in the face of a candidate like Trump, but conservative media has spent *decades* encouraging listeners to not act rationally.

When every source you listen to is loudly proclaiming that, however distasteful a candidate might be, the other represents an existential threat to you and everything you hold dear, you'll vote for the former every time.

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