An excellent analysis of the current occupant of 1600 Black Lives Matter Plaza, NW, Washington, DC 20500. Excellent.

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If Trump could merely be accused of simple pettiness, our trajectory as a country would not be so dire. It's the venality beneath the pettiness that has, and will continue, to result in the loss of lives. Trump is not content merely to take what he wants, ignoring laws, policies, and norms of government and society, he must also denigrate those who follow the rules...not merely because he often emerges ahead monetarily, but because his very core is threatened by the positive qualities of others. He must pull those in his orbit down to his level of tawdriness, corruption, mendacity, and callousness. By debasing others, he can assure himself that he is not 'lacking'. His mania is fed by the black hole of his insecurity, the incessant need to show that real 'heroism', 'honor', 'integrity' don't exist. Hence Trump's insatiable need to attack John McCain 2 years after his death, his refusal to honor John Lewis, his inability to honor the sacrifices of our allies who fought for our freedoms. Whether one is an atheist or a believer, it's clear that Trump lacks a soul, and he knows it His supporters are not a monolith...Goldberg's articles won't move Trump's core base, but it will continue the erosion of support in the military, just as children in cages moved educated suburban women to react with revulsion in 2018, and Trump's disregard for the elderly in the wake of Covid has caused an erosion of support by seniors. Once his supporters see the 'real Trump', they can't 'unsee him'. Eventually, Trump's support will be confined to his core base, their identity is too wrapped up in their mythology of Trump to see him for what he is. That doesn't mean that Trump can't win reelection through voter suppression and illegal actions, or because Republican lust for power outweighs their revulsion, or because the greed of the 1% outweighs their diminishing consciences. It just means that most people sense the inherent inhumanity of a soulless man, even if they refuse to acknowledge it.

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Yep. I sometimes refer to the current potus as "it" since I've never known a human to be so selfish.

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"That’s so petty as to be so inconceivable that no one is seeing the truth in plain sight." I also wince at this possibility, but fear it's probably true.

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