Your claim that "Some liberals believe Trump said “good” in response to the fact that immigrant children are still not reunited with their parents" ignores the likelihood that as many reactionaries heard the word "good," too, and were delighted.

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Oct 22, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

As for Reagan, well, what that B movie actor started has ended up with D tv "actor" tr$mp. Too many voters did not want Jimmy Carter because he is an honest patriot who believes in telling the truth, so they gave the white house to reagan and like djt he literally lost his mind. As for Feinstein hugging graham. Your take on that stupidity is exactly right. I often remember how it was said that graham had great admiration for the patriot John McCain. And look how graham has switched his admiration to the super Unpatriotic tr$mp. Yep. Politicians are strange birds indeed.

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Oct 22, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

I have three comments. First, I've historically had to challenge way too many liberals who worried that if the Democrats undertake bold policy positions that the Republicans will be mad. I've convinced them that no matter how compliant Democrats are, GOPers would still be mad along with a side of contempt. I'm increasingly seeing that Democrats are moving beyond any concern of Republicans may do.

Second, I personally wanted to vomit after Feinstein's stunt. I believe she represents the tired comity and collegiality that Democrats adopted in the wake of Reagan's landslides. I think that Republican radicalism has so enraged Democrats that we won't tolerate this sheep like behavior by Democratic politicians any more.

Finally, I believe the boycott by the Senate Judiciary Committee's Democrats establishes a four part message: the radicals in the federal judiciary including SCOTUS are fundamentally anti-democratic, the entire Republican regime is illegitimate, the Democrats are wired for battle, and that the reckoning is coming. I truly hope that Biden and the Democrats focus exclusively on doing what's best for the Republic and smash any and all Republican efforts to sabotage our country.

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