I believe that the pandemic and the isolation, disease, and death we have all endured will lead to larger hearts, increased generosity, recognition of our abundance, a switch to inclusion, and, ultimately, to Beloved Community. We on the Left must do our part by practicing reconciliation and welcome, rather than blame and shame. One of the best things I did over the past four years was study and reflect on Rev. Martin Luther King's Six Principles of Nonviolence.

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There's another reason that sits front and center for some folks not vaccinating (tho they internalize it, and might not even be aware of it):

They live in wealthy communities full of health care, early adoption of effective transmission-breakers, and, shall we say, luck-of-the-class draw. So they are around far fewer people without decent health care access, or who are too poor to have the life choices that auto-select for lower likelihood of contact with infected others. So whatever their plan is, it probly works for them because they start from a relatively safe perch.

MikeTheMadBiologist stated it better than I – worth checking his recent post about it.

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