Actually, John, what you described is Nietzche's system of morality for nobility in The Genealogy of Morals. Note, it's not as simple as supermen (or ubermensch vs. untermensch). It's a bit more sophisticated than that. But it follows the lines you outlined. And, oh, yes, it too had that naive eugenized Darwinism underwriting the whole, largely farcical and large pseudo-historical, premise.

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What your describing, John, isn't "genetic superiority." Sure, Trump's a racist, but he's mostly a Trumpist. What you're really describing is Malignant Narcissism. If he really thought he had the best genes ever, he'd put ALL his idiot family in charge of stuff, not just the ones who are best at kissing his ass.

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Unfortunately Donald's stellar belief in self, even now, will stand in the way of assembling a team of renown economists to plot a way forward and avoid economic armageddon. More likely the world will see policy developed on the hoof at the Mar-a-lago buffet bar assisted by Jared Kushners classmates. The immediate focus is of course on managing the virus but there is not enough scrutiny being applied to what happens next. Donald's monumental overconfidence in his abilities guarantees a disastrous economic response to follow. Imagine if FDR, a true "wartime president" had instead been Donald Trump. The current situation calls for an FDR, Donald is no FDR, he is temperamentally and intellectually unfit to handle a crisis. So the question to be posed in November is whether America believes Donald is a safe pair of hands to minimise to economic crisis to follow. To your point John, Donald's self perceived supriority means he could not even privately acknowledge his failings and stand down. America must make the choice for him.

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