Many of those republicans “party within a party” are now working for Putin, have gone to Russia in groups on July 4th Weekend for the past several years for “instruction” what kind of instruction, one can only guess...

GRU hacked into RNC at the same time they hacked DNC, I’m sure that there was plenty of info in those email to hold over Republican heads for the duration of Trumps squat in the White House. Most of them have kept their grumbles away from Trump’s hearing, for the same reason that Lindsay Graham certainly wished he hadn’t stuck out a hand of friendship towards Trump, thinking of having an innocent game of golf...but is now terrified of Trump outing the kompromat Russia/Putin and now Trump has on him. A good example of why Republicans are afraid of upsetting the apple cart.

GOP have used up every bit of goodwill they may ever have had, except for the die hard base Trump is always talking about, as his followers, but are really those who are die hard conservatives, most of them racists, xenophobic, who hate government and just want to burn it all down. The rest of us see a “do nothing“ party who spend their time concocting plans to become re-elected, holding inquisitions of innocent democrats using up mega tax payer $$ and filling the courts with judges that take instruction from their paymasters, because they never made the good grades in law school, none have enough motivation to do better or run a law career, hunting for clients-not only because they lose, but because they don’t know enough to win...

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Trump's only loyalty is to himself, not to America or the GOP. The GOP's loyalty is only to its revanchist and reactionary ideology, not to America. So long as these two treasonous loyalties were fairly aligned, they could sorta work together in their clunky, disjointed way.

My observation is that temperamentally that conservatives are highly wired to perceived territorial threats. Ostensible allies will quickly turn of each other under the slightest provocation. The internal political dynamics of the Confederacy and the Nazi regime were very chaotic because of these behavioral tendencies.

Now that Trump's loyalty is clearly shown to be anti-American, the GOP's political goals are now being undermined by his apparent treason. He may have originally been their proverbial SOB but now the SOB is seriously jeopardizing their political objectives.

This week has seen Republicans in the senate emphasizing wearing of masks in the face of DJT's idiotic refusal. Why is that? Is it because it's the right thing to do morally or medically? Or is it that Mitch McConnell and other GOP senators recognize that the majority of voters are going to kick out enough GOP senators for the Democrats to seize control in the 2020 elections?

I don't think the GOP has lost faith in Trump. It's more likely he is so severely damaging their short and long-term political prospects that they've got to step away from him. If there is no honor among thieves, there certainly isn't any among traitors either.

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