We should send out a "last call." Anyone who hasn't gotten the vaccine by December 31 is out of luck. We have people here pissing away an opportunity to get a free life-saving shot, while millions of people around the world can't get one for love or money. We should send the vaccines to people who desperately want to live!

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Biden has already instituted a federal mandate for onsite federal workers. See here: https://apnews.com/article/lifestyle-joe-biden-business-health-travel-a1670ffa08f1f2eab42c675d99f1d9ad. That affects 4 million individuals. He could extend it to federal contractors (that's 7 million). And if he really wanted to get tough, he could extend a requirement into private contracting companies that receive any federal money--requiring a vaccination compliance rate for ALL of their workers even if their subcontracts from the U.S. govt affects only part of their business.

Madison Cawthorn is a false flag grifter, as are so many other anti-vax Republican leaders who play this particular card (remember, they have lots of cards to play in the disinformation war: China, Mexicans, vaccines, deep state, Jan. 6). Grift, grift, grift, all fed by Fox news ratings (another grift) and buckets of white grievance.

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A few comments:

1. I'm reminded of George Wallace theatrically blocking the door to the University of Alabama to prevent admitting its first black student only to step aside after another "segregation forevah" performance. Recent historical research found that a backroom deal was made for the student to be admitted while allowing Wallace to make his statement to save face and maintain his personal political standing. Still, Wallace and other Alabama racists knew when to back down when the jig was up.

2. Per John's point about anti-vaxxers talking to themselves and avoiding the heat of truth, they remind me of the "fake tough" clowns who bluster on social media but melt like snowflakes when confronted. This is the same reason why they attack people of targeted groups only when they have overwhelming numbers and/or massive firepower at their disposal. They are ultimately cowards who are only strong when they run away while running their mouths talking to each other. Fox News et. al. aren't just propaganda channels but in reality safe spaces for the courageous coward crowd.

3. The fundamental mistake that the Democrats, mainstream media, and liberals in general make is that trying to reason with these nihilists is playing their game. It's like trying to accommodate the abusive drunk or compulsive gambler by appealing to a higher cause or purpose. It just doesn't work. The only effective way to reel them back is through two aspects that Democrats and liberals are uncomfortable with: Pain and Power. I can tell you from personal experience that the willingness to inflict pain -instant. massive, and consequential - and the demonstrable will to power to back it up gets these types of people to pay attention really fast and to pipe down.

The ongoing attachment to play nice with these democracy killers plus the lack of commitment to enforce the law both literally and figuratively has allowed this treasonous, destructive, and fascistic garbage to fester. The history of the Confederates and the Nazis has clearly shown the consequences of going along with these types long after they've shown their willingness to kill themselves so long as they can hurt you. Today's center-right made the same mistake and now they are in the political wilderness. Today's center-left is repeating this mistake and jeopardizing stopping the pandemic let alone failing to protect our democracy. And the progressives and mainstream media are just as deluded as the first two groups and wonder why nothing goes they way they want or expect.

I'm in a very bad mood today, but I get that way when I see people killing my country while those with the power and capability to stop them dither and blind themselves from the task at hand. I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that what we're doing isn't working and will never work. I'm not sure what to do going forward. All I know is that it's time to get busy if we want to save the Republic.


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This comment is spot on. Been saying it for 4 years: Michelle Obama's advice "when they go low We go high" has proven to be CATASTROPHIC.

Bullies - that's what they are - understand and stop ONLY for bigger bullies. This is politics 101....Democrats have been far too nice...Trump should have been arrested Jan 21st. In a sane society he would have been.

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While Michelle Obama's "low-high" comment was incredibly naive and terrible political advice, all she was really doing is describing the Democrats usual response to Republican flame-throwing and rat-fucking. It's not like Democrats were used to fighting fire with fire and then they stopped because Michelle told them that wasn't the way to win elections and support. Democrats have allowed themselves to be bullied by the Right for decades. Its been alot longer than 4 years of wimpery.

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True - I'm old enough to remember Dukakis taking August 1988 off while he was vivesected with Willie Horton- and then Kerry made the exact same mistake in august of 2004.....but the Democrats perverse inability to think like warriors and perceive threats until it's too late now endangers the republic. Not sure that was true before Trump. Reagan and the Bushes were horrible - but their endgame wasn't to end our system of government... MAGAts want very much to do just that.

BTW: Gavin Newsom is a perfect example of a Democrat who's been unable or unwilling to perceive obvious political danger...even now he's not acting with the urgency his situation demands.

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Hole Lee She It, Thornton. I gotta call the fire department!

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The Pack O' Lies Party does not care about truth except insofar as the faith-based portion make up their own truths. Countering professional liars (and their hilariously inept amateur partners) w/truth is ill-considered, ineffective and a waste of time, (except where the intended point is to assure confused-but-sensible people that yes, their intentions toward democracy and away from fascism are correct).

Witness the insurrection, sabotage and hatefulness – yes.

Tell the truth – sure.

Fight the fight, withal.

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