"It was time to stop discussing the results of their behavior and start discussing their intentions: the political sabotage of “hundreds of thousands of Black voters in the city of Detroit.” So Ned Staebler did what needed to be done and ought to be done by all enlightened people, especially if they're Democrats and especially if they voted for tr$mp after his 4 years attempting to destroy the United States. So thank you John for this fine piece of writing.

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Simple argument ~ look at how quickly Staebler's rhetoric affected change. Compare to Schumer's mealy-mouthed, high-minded scolding which has only "affected" no COVID relief bill. Staebler for Majority Leader...fascinating analysis and interpretation btw.

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Arming ourselves with political rhetoric is the only arms race we can win against the tyrannical right. Their condemnation is a just cause.

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Speaking of political rhetoric, it's interesting how the right-wing media echo chamber is posting about this same incident: "Ned Staebler threatens GOP canvassers"

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thank u for this

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An important lesson I learned from my first marriage: You cannot have a rational argument with an irrational person.

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In a rhetorical war between the Asinine (Trump, et. al.) vs. the Anodyne (Schumer), the Asinine usually wins. Thank god that more people like Ned Staebler are bringing Truth to Power against these ant-democratic and anti-American traitors.


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