You're right again. I think the former president should be tried, and convicted and imprisoned for the rest of his life and without access to anybody from the outside world. His crimes are many but for starters murder by neglect during the last year of his administration comes to mind.

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It ought to be clear to anyone with any common sense that American conservatism is a gateway drug to authoritarianism. Always has been. Conservatism is an abnormal belief that time/history should and can be stopped (Buckley said as much). This delusion (reinforced for profit in our media) ALWAYS becomes reactionary sadism. It's axiomatic.

In the end, long term conservatives have a choice: Become moderates or become barbarians.

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The Republicans benefit greatly from the word “conservatism.”

Yes, I've tried make a similar point a few times in the comments section of your blog in response to you saying that contemporary Republicans aren't "real conservatives". Its funny, because, with the exception of a few blue-state Republicans, they all boast about how conservative they are. Almost as if there's some positive connotation to the term that isn't tied down by whatever dictionary definition people want to cite. A positive connotation that persists because there has been little to no attempt by "the Left" (aka non-conservatives) to do what the Right has done to the word "liberal" for generations-- turn it into a negative label that becomes something people distance themselves from ("liberal") instead of something they pridefully embrace ("conservative"). Imagine how different US politics and discourse would be if this dynamic was reversed...

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The right-wing taste makers and influencers have always used language deftly. I don't think you would ever hear them try to wield an awkward, blunt object like "defund the police."

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