We need to recognize that half the voters are or close to being psychopaths and that the lame duck president is absolutely a psychopath. Psychopaths have no conscience.

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You are absolutely on to something here. I will never understand what these people's attraction to him is though. To me, it's inexplicable.

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It is preemptive sabotage of the Biden presidency. Half of the country will not view Biden as the legitimately elected president. I don't see how this ends well for our country. I am very disheartened and discouraged.

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I am convinced we will have a secession crisis in this country soon. And we probably need one.

The GOP is now so deranged I'm not sure we can move forward without - well--- something that crushes and hobbles them. They are evil, deranged and unfixable.

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Secession somehow implies to me that we, on the correct side of history, aren't entitled to all that land that would somehow secede. It's clear we're in the majority, and currently all those lands are American as apple pie and the 14th Amendment. They're welcome to leave, as they have been so fond of saying to us these many years. I think there might be some people of color who have a stronger claim to that land than the southern whites, and plenty of indigenous folks with better claims than the Midwest/west whites.

They should be kept separate from their children, of course, maybe in cages....

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Honestly if it would up to me I'd just round all the MAGAts up and give them half of Alaska- the part nearest Russia. That said at some point we do kinda need to admit that there are 2 countries in this country. Certainly in broad terms small d democrats should not tolerate for long domination of a minority of authoritarians who've gamed the system.

The Northeast Acela Corridor and entire West Coast - with the possible exception of Newport Beach CA - are in a different country than Arkansas, Mississippi, or Midland-Odessa. NOW. As different as France is from Serbia. Eventually that reality will play out and need resolution.

Can we all get along? Seems like the answer is "no" and maybe it is worth at least considering accepting that and trying to figure out how to solve it.

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NB is part of the US. It's Huntington Beach, next door, where I live, that sometimes seems like Kentucky Beach.

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This all the way.

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Nov 19, 2020
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This is 100% correct in my view. The fundamental thing moderates and liberals cannot seem to see and truly INGEST - even at this late date - is that Trump is a psychopath. A real one. He does not care about ANYTHING outside his immediate "hunger" and is extremely dangerous - Many people STILL respond to him as if he had human emotion- that he can somehow be convinced of this or that - that there is something rational buried in there. He does not have any connection to anything we think of as human empathy. Once one truly "gets" that he is a psychopath (people need to learn the clinical parameters) how to respond to him becomes much simpler and much scarier....it is simpler though.

Outrage at Trump is largely predicated on the mistaken idea - that normal humans have a hard time shaking - that must Trump care on some level. He does not- except about his immediate hunger for validation and sadism.

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Well said John Smart

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