Almost every conservative or libertarian person I've met has this mindset. At best, they are indifferent to the suffering of others but they become positively gleeful from harming those they consider to be evil or undeserving in their eyes. I hope that liberals finally wake up and stop trying to "understand" the performance cruelty of fascists and recognize the need to fight.

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We moved from CA the year Reagan became governor. Dad said ‘We will not live in a fascist state!” I was young. I thought he was being overly dramatic, as he had been the press secretary for the previous gov, political passions run high and all that. But by the time he was president I understood. I gave my friends copies of “It Can’t Happen Here”. Read this, whaddya think? Fascist? They thought I was being overly dramatic. 🙃

Before he was president, though, one of my college roommates was Gov. Reagan’s press secretary’s daughter, (there are no coincidences?), although we didn’t make the connection for years. She agreed with me. Fascistic, she said.

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