You're right. My worry is that Biden is being handed an economy that is beyond frail. The Wall Street indexes are essentially fraudulent in that they do not reflect either the real economy or on an individual basis reflect the health of any given company. When the government is buying up junk bonds you know there are problems that are hidden under rosy stock prices. When the shit hits the fan, as it must, the party in power is going to get the blame. That will empower the authoritarian impulses and the anti-democratic charlatans will be crawling back out from under the rocks. No, the election of Biden doesn't end the nightmare, it will take tremendous skill for the next administration to keep us from sliding back into a very dark place.

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Jul 31, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

The ugly fact is that roughly 30-35% of the worldwide population is brutally authoritarian either as leaders or followers. It was that percentage of the German population that followed the Nazis and that same amount is the core of Trump's support.

It is incumbent that the non-authoritarian portion of white America not to lull itself to sleep if Biden wins. It was partially white liberals' complacency after the 1960's that allowed reactionaries to regain power and corrupt our political system. If these destructive forces are left unchecked, they will impose fascism and white supremacy as they always do. No one - black, brown, or white will be safe.

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Jul 30, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

Thanks John, however I think it's incorrect to call whites, who wish to take away people's rights, "Christians" and certainly not "orthodox". Bonhoeffer, whom you quoted recently was an orthodox Christian. Otherwise I completely agree with you.

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Jul 30, 2020Liked by John Stoehr

We need a strong and fair two party system but yes, it won't "be over" until we thoroughly clean house and get to work changing some of the laws that are currently being abused (some would require Constitutional amendments).

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