Noonan has long been a petit Marie Antoinette. I really don't understand why anybody reads her or why the Times continues to publish her clueless, inane and tedious drunk-posts.

As for the true class war inherent I'm the protests, a lot of columnists are getting it right. Amanda Marcotte at Salon, for example. And you of course. The truth is implicit in the film and video. From expensive trucks to expensive guns to the simple fact that none of these people look like they've had to hold down a job in quite a while.

They don't want to get back to work. They want "those people" to get back to work so they can have their luxuries again. It's as simple as that. They're Karens. Or "Peggys."

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Yes, Noonan in her typical breathless manner is actually describing the 'revolt' of the petit bourgeois which has been historically hostile to both the highly educated aka "pointy headed commie coastal libruls" and to the real working class which they want to dominate and control in the workplace and in politics. They just want to keep doing what they want which is to screw the people they don't like.

The biggest hypocrisy of these supposed rebels is how do *they* have the endless time and money to threaten others and the public order while everybody else is heads down dealing with the pandemic and economic crash? If they so totally oppressed, they sure do have a funny way of showing it.

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One minor correction. Noonan writes for the WSJ - not the NYT. Here is a link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/scenes-from-the-class-struggle-in-lockdown-11589498276

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Noonan and the demonstrators would have more credibility if they also argued for more testing and contact tracing. And, the demonstrations would, at least, give the appearance of being less political if they wore masks and didn’t show up with guns.

Every time there is some good news about virus treatments or vaccines, which would potentially allow people to go back to work sooner, the stock market goes up dramatically, as it did today. Does this benefit the overclass, or the “normal/unprotected” people (Noonan’s terms)? Duh.

Most of the overclass will continue to work from home, safely, until the risk/benefit equation improves significantly.

Would it be OK for me to hope that Trump starts holding huge rallies? I could hold up a sign outside to encourage them. Something like, “Die for the Dow”. (Just kidding. I don’t want anyone to get Covid-19! Not even President Voldemort.)

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