This is just an extension of things like Merrick Garland/Amy Barrett. R presidents can nominate S. Ct. justices, D presidents can't. The only way this country survives as it is -- and I mean these words -- is when people inclined to vote Republican reject the idea that there can be separate rules for Democrats and another set of rules for Republicans. It doesn't matter how much they may abhor the Democratic party's policies or philosophy. Either everyone in government plays by the same rules, or the government is doomed.

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"That said, I think respectable white people are making a grave error. They continue to give the Republicans the benefit of the doubt. How? By assuming the Republicans care about equal treatment under law. "

There are those among us who see the Right's march towards authoritarianism / fascism and DO NOT give them the benefit of any doubt. We see them acting just as history has warned us to expect of them.

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Obligatory Frank Wilhoit quote on conservativism:

"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

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