I think that the people on the left, who don't see this conflict brewing, don't see it because they don't WANT to see it. They don't want to have do anything beyond voting. If they are somehow disallowed to vote, it will just stop there and we'll all be under a dictatorship. If you posted this piece on the WaPo, you would get shredded by Democrats who don't want to hear the truth of what is really at stake. They don't want to be reminded that they're too cowardly to fight for democracy if push comes to shove.

Also, we have no access to guns. I can't get a gun defend myself without jumping through 10 flaming hoops in MA. That puts us at a huge disadvantage imo.

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Are you suggesting we're getting close to an *actual* (Second) Civil War? What would that even look like? Or are you talking about a full-on *Cold* Civil War?

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I've been saying this for 3 years now. There is no logic in the USA as constructed now. Coastal California including San Diego and even Orange county now - all the way up to Oregon , Cascadia and the Northeast from DC to Maine are CLEARLY different countries now.

I, for one, am a liberal who would welcome whatever it takes to free California from the Feds. I once felt alone in this but since the 2016 election one hears about secession much more often.

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They don’t see it because the NRA has vilified gun laws. Democrats for their own protection need to arm themselves.

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