Sorry, but think we are glossing over the fact she slept with staffers. Don’t shit where you eat. Is it unfair that there is revenge porn. Sure. Just as many men seems to get away with what she did in past. However.... fact is... she shat a big nasty one right on her own campaign

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I know who Katie Hill is. I live in Los Angeles. Our progressive feminist community worked hard and dug deep into our pockets to get her elected in a red/purple district.

The part of the story that is being overlooked is that she recruited and groomed a young woman (21) who was employed on her campaign, and got her to have sex with Hill's husband. That is the distasteful part, and what would keep me from supporting her re-election.

She is NOT "being punished for being a woman", and that headline is a further harm and insult to women who ARE punished for being a woman: by being sexually assaulted, fired from their jobs, required to bear children they don't want, or forced to wear black burkas in the hot sun. Rep. Hill needs to resign from Congress because she used her power as a Congressional candidate to get a young woman to have sex with her husband.

Her creep of a husband did engage in revenge porn. He also posted her photo on couples sex sites and got her to bring home young lesbians to have sex with him. Her recruitment of a young woman on her staff in service to his fantasies makes her an accomplice, not a victim. The victim is the young woman who thought Katie Hill loved her.

As a Californian who is obsessed with red-to-blue Congressional elections, I am glad she had the sense to resign. I can't imagine knocking doors in that far suburb and trying to defend her grooming of sex partners for her husband. There are many qualified women in that district who can win an election. Let's put one of them into CD25.

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