these ae not the liberals I grew up with. Who are you and what have you done with them?

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They can say whatever they want in the privacy of their own minds, but "FIRE!" in the theater, no. In any case, I don't really care what they say as long as none of them is ever allowed anywhere near a lever of power...

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I seem to have read that Rijneveld himself stepped aside as sole translator, will be working in conjunction with others.

But of course self-abnegation doesn't fit the 'CANCELLED!!!!' narrative (and Rijneveld has a significant opportunity to speak to his own decision effectively).

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I believe that to defeat the fascists requires us as freedom loving Americans is to denounce and vilify them explicitly as anti-American, anti-life, and anti-Christian. They will undoubtedly howl about being "canceled", "intimidated", etc. but the reality is that they happily and loudly proclaim how they want to murder liberals, Democrats, and other people they hate. They want to smash democracy and free speech in the name of "saving the country". It is the ultimate lie they want to portray as the "truth".

There is no room at all for these people to be taken seriously as legitimate contributions to our political arena. They are the enemies of truth, of democracy, and of America. And this is why the Republican party must be destroyed as it forms the institutional cesspool of fascists who hate America.

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