All true, but it's not that complicated. The GOP and their anti-media (Given that Fux and the new wannabes are only spouting lies and trying to escalate racism, that fits) are always on the lookout for anything they can use to stir up their white base. Before it was CRT, the boogyman was BLM. They'll wear out this acronym until they find the next thing to warp. Gotta keep whipping up that base. The more different things they can pile one atop the other, the more they can convince their useful idiots that they must take up guns (and they've got the vast majority of them) to defend white America. I don't know if it's possible to avoid the hell they're trying to ignite.

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The thought police are alarming. But I doubt their plans would pass constitutional muster, even with this SCOTUS. It's a violation of the First Amendment, and given their antipathy to compelled speech, and yesterday's cheerleader decision, I have to imagine SCOTUS would be appalled.

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Driving down the street today a pick up truck passed me and I saw on the back window "impeach 46". I guess whoever wrote that thinks the House of Representatives should impeach President Jo Biden for being a Democrat. What do you think?

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How would you describe CRT in a couple of sentences, John?

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