
You're probably right.

My take?

"Hopefully Trump resigns before he dies."

Not (yet) struck down by Facebook.

I hope he dies.

Trump's "democratic consequences" would only be a prelude to the most dangerous and destructive period in American democracy, possibly leading to the dissolution of the Republic.

I do not want to risk that, not for the cheap schadenfreude of seeing him lose in a landslide.


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I wouldn't give this guy a thruppence

Nor even so much as a tuppence

Whatever he's caught

My innermost thought

Is he's finally got his comeuppance

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Laid off - called back - just renewed my EB sub. At least it's not all negative today.

But, no love for Trump or his enabler, #MitchWormtongue. If they'd (the Senate) held him accountable when they had the opportunity, it may have saved lives. I say screw 'em. After all, how many members of #Cult45 are still cheering the death of The Notorious RBG.

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I agree with much of what you've said. Right now, though, I'm more interested in Lee and Tillis testing positive. Isn't that the committee that will need to pass the Barrett nomination up to the full Senate for confirmation?

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Thanks for writing what some of us feel. Not calling a monster a monster to be politically correct is nonsense.

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This whole spectacle will be fascinating to behold. At a minimum, he can't hold his public hate fests for 2 weeks. What happens if he's debilitated beyond that time frame? His base mechanism for adulation and campaigning is gone for the foreseeable future, perhaps permanently.

Furthermore, even if he doesn't get seriously ill and does recover quickly, does he return to holding his rallies with everyone including his followers knowing that they are super spreader events? Would anyone even show up if he tried? Will his polling crash further as soft supporters, independents, and swing voters look at this idiocy and say enough? As usual, his arrogance and hubris has caused his own self-destruction. Given the mass murder, economic collapse, and reactionary violence he's unleashed, then yeah, I'm truly hoping he really experiences painfully and deeply the chaos and destruction he's loosed upon us all.

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I'm thinking the media should post as little as possible about #45s Covid-19 illness. Better to post as much about Biden's campaign and how much better this country will be with Biden and Harris in charge.

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And he is in my prayers to receive the correct outcome

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Still think it's a desperate ploy by the fat orange bastard

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Best one yet!

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In other words, our wishes for a recovery--but not necessarily speedy--for Donald Trump are entirely political. However much this hurts his political standing, I'm all on board. In other words, my sympathies are utterly pragmatic, in service to our country, not Donald Trump. Martyrdom doesn't help us (and it certainly won't help him--personally, that is--Trump has not a martyr-esque bone in his body. He throws others under buses, not himself...ever.

But let us not fool ourselves. His contracting COVID will be a messaging problem for his re-election. But it will not miraculously result in his personal, political or spiritual transformation. We already know this not only because of who he is but also because Boris Johnson and Rand Paul have already modeled how to contract COVID and remain unrepentant assholes who blithely endangered--and still endanger--the public's health for personal gain.

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No, John, don't hold back! Tell us what you really think! :-) This is pretty much the same message I gave my high school freshman daughter this morning - I kind of hope Trump suffers, but I don't necessarily want him to die. I hadn't considered the martyrdom his death might create and agree that would be bad. I hope this all dominates the month of October though and that it's a hard (and ideally losing) fight for the GOP to focus attention back on their sham Supreme Court nomination...

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