Thanks for "reminding", actually "minding" me about the President and Vice President not saluting members of the military. Also, I didn't know reagan began this "tradition". Just one more of the bad things he did. It's typical of Republicans and crooks to criticize Democrats about most any damn thing. And I'm pleased to know the truth.

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Interesting point that Reagan, too, had feet of clay regarding military service -- he did not, quite, dodge the WWII draft, but his service (producing wartime propaganda) occurred almost entirely on an LA sound stage.

He was, as they said on the front lines, the most RE of REMFs.

This by contrast to HW Bush, a main Republican rival, who did indeed end up bailing out of an entirely non-functional aircraft over the Pacific.

Nb.... it is notably how few of the 'war-hero' politicians were actually GIs who saw combat.

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