Can we just call these people what they are -- Trump's Sturmabteilung?

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Your assessment - and historical context - is accurate, as always. We live in this groundhog's day of horrific executive action, followed by predictable media 'outrage', followed by predictable and reactive House legislation. The cycle restarts tomorrow. I'm grateful to those who use their platforms to speak out against the exsanguination of democracy from within, but we must get ahead of this endless cycle. What will Trump and Barr do next week, next month? I don't see how our democracy can withstand 100 more days of escalating serial assaults. While Trump is doing as much damage to his reelection prospects as he is to US citizens and refugees, the brutality he has unleashed will not be easily contained when he is defeated. I would feel far better if I knew that elected officials were anticipating and addressing these legitimate concerns, but I don't believe this to be the case.

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