Feb 4, 2021Liked by John Stoehr

Conservatives are abject liars who harbor a deep hatred of America. Been that way for decades.

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This is a wonderful piece, John. And it goes without saying that the Republican propensity to fabricate lies that damage the economy exposes their cavalier attitude toward the economy and American society. As much as they decry progressive economic, financial, and monetary policies as damaging to the economy, they aren't really concerned. They simply want to protect their income and wealth.

But I think this tendency exposes a darker hypocrisy in the Conservative psyche: they seem to be unconvinced of the very existence of truth. The actions of Trump and his White House (think "alternative facts) during his administration shows that they are unconcerned about what is true, if even cognizant that truth exists.

It's very good that Trump is no longer president, but being relieved that he is no longer incumbent is less important than learning from his administration. The Republican neutrality to truth was one of the many factors that made Trump such a destructive president, so removing that from their party is incredibly important.

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The Republicans, or more precisely reactionary conservatives, have an extractive view of life. The economy and the lesser people exist solely to have their labor and wealth extracted from. In the political and social arenas, the lesser people are to be subservient to their self-anointed superiority.

Most importantly, truth is always subservient to their divinely ordained beliefs. This is why supposedly well educated and highly intelligent people like Clarence Thomas' clerks can delude themselves that DJT was re-elected.

Americans who believe in truth and democracy have to develop very powerful mental fortitude against this onslaught of lies. The delusions, mendacity, greed, and self-righteousness of conservatives can be tiring to deal with. But just remember that holding firm in our convictions simply requires the recognition that we are the Defenders of Liberty, Truth, and America. Never forget this. And never forget - GOP Delenda Est.

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Feb 3, 2021Liked by John Stoehr

2004, left for good. Glad I got out when I did.

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