I don't think they do these things for their own sake. These are people (yes, predominantly white men) who feel *entitled* to power. They pursued Clinton because his defeat of GHWB interfered with their power. (And that wife of his! With her *career* and *accomplishments*! They can't have her inspiring other women! More threats to power!) You pick apart their empty justifications beautifully... and when those are swept aside, all that is left is a lust and need for power and its trappings.

To be fair, it works for them. There's a performative quality to it--one that keeps their patrons happy, keeps them convinced that these guys are still *their* guys, pursuing the patrons' goals of less regulation, less oversight, more tax cuts, and more handouts. It keeps their campaigns funded, and when their time in office ends, guarantees them lucrative "consulting" and lobbying jobs.

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If they think the consequences of stealing another election is anything less than a civil war, they're just that much more likely to try it.

I've been saying this for a while. They need to understand how high the stakes really are. If they try, we crush them for good.

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The GOP are sincerely lying. When they say, "Of course we support the peaceful transition of power," they're being sincere *about a specific outcome.* What they mean is, "We support the peaceful transition of power *if Trump wins*, and we'll do anything to ensure that he does." They're lying about their commitment to democracy.

Darker still: Their commitment to a peaceful transition is a commitment to putting down the massive unrest that will follow their attempts to stage a procedural coup. They're not, as the media claim, "warning Trump." They're warning *us*.

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I appreciate your perspective which focuses on the wrongs perpetrated by the GOP, but the truth once again is that this could not have occurred so rapidly had it not been for an incredibly weak opposition party. Even today, after refusing to impeach Trump on a wide scope of issues, or to impeach Barr for lies/criminal action against peaceful protestors or bending laws to help Flynn and Stone, Pelosi is trying to stop Biden from debating Trump. We have a simple choice in voting for Biden, but the problem won't be solved even in the unlikely event of a landslide Biden victory. Weak opposition leaders like Pelosi, Feinstein, and Schumer must be voted out. A robust democracy can't survive without 2 strong parties as a check on one another. A Biden win and majority Democratic Senate is just the first step. We're all tired, but Democratic voters must actually vote in every local, state, and national election if the majority is to obtain and maintain power. Local udges matter, local DAs matter, state AGs matter. And believe people when they show you who they are--Trump, the GOP Senators, and Pelosi have shown us unquestionably who they are.

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