The Republicans have joined the Russians in attacking our government, our democracy, and our way of life. They would rather allow America to become a fascist dictatorship than lose their seats.

From what I can gather, and what worries me the most, is that I don't see a Republican party acting in a manner that indicates they care about future precedent, or American democracy going forward. This doesn't feel like a game they intend on continuing to play, this feel more like some kind of end-game where the Republicans and Putin are trying to either checkmate the American government, our intelligence agencies, and the American people, or they lose everything. This seems like an extremely dangerous all-or-nothing play and it scares me a lot.

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Here is another obnoxious clip of Tucker Carlson (but not as good as the one in the post): https://www.mediamatters.org/tucker-carlson/tucker-carlson-defends-vladimir-putin-and-says-american-media-hate-united-states

Excerpt: " If you excluded debunked conspiracy theories, could any of these people actually tell you why Vladimir Putin is so bad? Why is he so bad? He's bad, Chuck Todd says. Okay, speak slowly so I can understand. What makes Vladimir Putin worse than, I don't know, a whole long list of American allies?"

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As a child of the '80's growing up in the NYC suburbs, I knew all about Donald Trump and his cheap criminality. On November 9th, 2016 I predicted that many of us who'd voted for HRC would soon be echoing my parents who'd once proudly proclaimed, "Don't blame me I voted for McGovern" about Trump. Though I thought it would be sooner, seems more likely each day. And, the depths of the Republican depravity still shock.

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