The only aspect of John’s post that I disagree with is this: ”Life will return to normal—eventually.” Too optimistic.
Modifying a Rumsfeld quote for our times: “You go war (ie fight the pandemic) with the president you have, not the president you might want or wish to have.” Sad!
So, what does this imply?
1. Covid-19 is not going away anytime soon - specifically, not until a vaccine is widely deployed.
2. We have been living in abnormal times, since Voldemort took office. Puerto Ricans were the first to suffer his deadly actions.
3. The optimistic scenario is that we will have to live with 1,000 to 2,000 deaths per week from this July to sometime in 2021.
4. We will each have to minimize our chances of severe sickness and death ourselves.
5. The economic consequences will last far longer than virus itself.
I completely agree. Furthermore, we know that Trump and the FDA will rush a vaccine and therapeutic treatments through the system with little-to-no testing, exacerbating any gains our sacrifices to date have garnered. Add to that, the general apathy of federal Democratic leadership in helping the country to weather the economic and physical devastation of the pandemic, and the future seems terribly bleak no matter the outcome of the 2020 elections.
The only aspect of John’s post that I disagree with is this: ”Life will return to normal—eventually.” Too optimistic.
Modifying a Rumsfeld quote for our times: “You go war (ie fight the pandemic) with the president you have, not the president you might want or wish to have.” Sad!
So, what does this imply?
1. Covid-19 is not going away anytime soon - specifically, not until a vaccine is widely deployed.
2. We have been living in abnormal times, since Voldemort took office. Puerto Ricans were the first to suffer his deadly actions.
3. The optimistic scenario is that we will have to live with 1,000 to 2,000 deaths per week from this July to sometime in 2021.
4. We will each have to minimize our chances of severe sickness and death ourselves.
5. The economic consequences will last far longer than virus itself.
I completely agree. Furthermore, we know that Trump and the FDA will rush a vaccine and therapeutic treatments through the system with little-to-no testing, exacerbating any gains our sacrifices to date have garnered. Add to that, the general apathy of federal Democratic leadership in helping the country to weather the economic and physical devastation of the pandemic, and the future seems terribly bleak no matter the outcome of the 2020 elections.