Ok, John... now that David built your confidence and I seconded it... (b/c I do believe you right, especially as pertains to journalism’s recording of the two competing structures) how do you suppose we go about working to create some counterpoint to liberal ideology that works/believes in something (shy of annihilation)? I don’t think one structure, especially in governance, is the answer or even generates creative drives to problem solving...

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Excellent, John! Masterfully said!

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I don't believe the old labels apply any longer. This nation is in a death spiral, and it won't survive 4 more years of Trumpism. There is no more time...for policy, personalities, personal wish lists. There is only massive voting to eliminate Trump and his enablers. Anyone who sits this election out or votes for a 3rd party candidate is voting for fascism. Those who believe that fascism won't be worse than what we have now...who refuse to engage because 'M4A', 'free college', or 'conservative judges' are on the same side of history, the wrong side. MSM is weak and self-indulgent, and it's not in their financial self-interest to spell out the truth, irrespective of their original Constitutional mandate. This isn't a difficult choice. There won't be a 2nd chance. As with many things in life, you won't miss your freedoms until they are gone.

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