This is the big show. I doubt they can have secret police in every town. These thugs are all they've got and it's supposed to scare us straight.

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D.C. and now Portland are dry runs for trying this garbage nationwide. They will fail because the contrast of out of control police harming peaceful citizens against the back drop of an control pandemic grows will be too much to bear.

Let make sure to broadcast this as widely as possible so they can't do this undercover.

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It's has been suggested that detaining and caging people at our southern border was the dry run and that what we're witnessing is beginning of the real deal.

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Yes, you are correct. The concentration camps are test beds for mass (political) incarceration and the D.C./Portland tear gas and snatch-and-grab routines are dry runs for mass deployment of federal LE arrest resources.

Per Mark Meadows, they are supposedly going to deploy more federalized cops in more cities this week and DOTUS will make some announcement about this. Again, they will lose and know they are losing so these are both intimidation and voter suppression efforts to try stopping the inevitable.

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They're calling them "Federal Officers" but look at that photo... third dude from the left is wearing a pair of fucking Nike's. No. Something is very wrong here.

Words from the victim from the Washington Post article:

“It’s just us normal people out there,” he said. “There were a whole group of pregnant moms standing out there linking arms and they got gassed. You hear people like [President] Trump say it’s just a bunch of wacko fringe people in liberal cities who are out there, but no way. We’re all just normal people who think what’s happening is wrong.”

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