Sitemap - 2021 - The Editorial Board

Why is anti-vaccination emerging as a distinctly right-wing phenomenon across the globe?

Better public transit • Simone Biles • innovation shortage? • politics' Harvey Weinstein • the new YIMBYs • performative masculinity • RIP Richard Trumka • + John Stoehr's week

If millions can't afford the roofs over their heads, the floor will fall out from under the country's feet

The next time the GOP attempts a coup d'état, it won't be loud. It will be quiet. It will be legal

At his best and most useful

We can enrage liars by telling them the truth or we can neutralize them by telling them to stop lying

People who desire a leader to save them from the humiliations of democracy are people who will do what they're told

The Harvey Weinstein of politics

Is the era of NIMBYism giving way to a new era of YIMBYism? Data suggests big changes ahead

Performative masculinity is killing us

Here's why a vaccine mandate would convince authoritarian holdouts to get the shot voluntarily

We conquered the moon, the genome and the microchip. We can't get people vaccinated?

Simone Biles just needed to rest

Everyone's already subsidizing cars. How about we subsidize more and better public transit instead?

For all its sophistication, the Washington press corps exhibits a startling degree of naivete.

Today, the Editorial Board turns 3!

Who's unvaxed? • Black voters, explained • 'social capital' • 'A hit man sent them' • Listening liberally • Biden's Cuba • sex crimes in civil courts • plus John Stoehr's week

Everyone presumes a backlash is coming for the Democrats. The electorate has changed, though

For women shut out of the criminal system, civil litigation is a powerful tool for accountability

On Cuba, Biden must keep his promise

Do we want to be the kind of people who turn our backs on vaccine resistors and say 'Let 'em die'?

The moment Capitol police honored their oath to put country over party is the moment they became partisans for America

The Republicans have made being an American a partisan issue. There are now two clear sides

'A hit man sent them.' Police testify for the first day of House hearings on the January 6 insurrection

'Dialogue' won't save America but minor league baseball games and other group activities will

The country is failing to face the rage of Donald Trump's supporters. The result is mass death

The great mystery of Black voters isn't great or mysterious when you see Black voters as people

Who are the unvaccinated and how can we change their minds before it's too late?

What Merle Haggard can teach liberals

Evangelicals are not snapping out of it • Texas AG's revenge • anti-1619 Project misfire • plus John Stoehr's week

Laws aiming to counter impact of 'The 1619 Project' miss chance to tell a positive story

Censorship is now so broadly defined as to mean anyone disagreeing with me is censoring me

When authoritarians say they’d rather die than give in to an enemy trying to save their lives, we should believe them

The Texas AG takes his revenge

Here's what I hope liberals like Michelle Goldberg understand about the American authoritarian mind

Vaccinations, like government, are not the opposite of freedom. They are a means toward achieving it

PRRI report says white evangelical Protestants are coming to their senses? Yeah, don't hold your breath

How do we solve a problem like 'vaccine skeptics'? Stop respecting their excuses for bad behavior

More housing • Indian Child Welfare Act • liberal WEPs? • conservatives on campus • Hunter Biden • RCV • Point Break • abortion vigilantism • plus John Stoehr's week

Things are going to change now that normal people can really feel the government being on their side

Texas creates a market for abortion vigilantism

In this game, we all lose

No, there's nothing 'demagogic and dangerous' about a president taking the side of democracy

The Democrats say ranked choice voting is fairer. What they don't say is it helps beat Republicans

The Democrats are naming the republic's enemies while providing a future road to 'stability and hope'

There are no clear-cut answers to the problem of a president's son making a living from his dad's name

For white evangelical Protestants, the degradation of democracy is not regrettable. It's desirable

There's room for conservative thought in higher education. There's no room for higher education in conservative thought

Facts about the covid vaccinations are totally political, because all facts are totally political

No, white evangelicals are not in rapid decline

The law corrects for past discrimination against Native children. But conservatives say it's unconstitutionally based on race.

We need more housing. We need more housing. We need more housing. We need more housing

Evangelical animus • Nikole Hannah-Jones • Sha’Carri Richardson • collapsing Fla. politics • against color-blindness • GOP monarchs • plus John Stoehr's week

Republican gothic

Donny Deutsch's gothic contempt for work

Well, that happened

Study finds white evangelical support for Donald Trump wasn't about partisanship. It was about animus toward minorities

The reporter who broke the news about Nikole Hannah-Jones tells the rest of the story

The World Anti-Doping Agency veered from its lane into the racist history of cannabis prohibition

A condo isn't the only thing collapsing in sunny Florida. So are decades of conservative politics

The Very Serious Debate Club

Color-consciousness, not colorblindness

The unsung co-author of the Declaration of Independence who did not own slaves

The authoritarian right of the United States has adopted the political discourse of monarchy

Bill Cosby and due process • Donald Rumsfeld is dead • what 'anti-woke' critics get wrong • why it's so hard to believe covid came from bats • plus John Stoehr's week

The Republicans are hoping a white backlash will deliver victory in 2022. It's not working so far

Bill Cosby spent more time in jail than 97 percent of rapists who never spend a day behind bars

The will of the American people is becoming less important than the will of a Republican high court

Why is it so hard to believe bats started covid?

Finally, the beast is dead

That the GOP distorts 'wokeness' isn't surprising. What's surprising is when legitimate critics do

How can the same people criticize Black athletes for 'disrespecting' the flag but support insurrection?

Our politics should revive the old democratic contempt for this country's wannabe aristocrats

Does being a billionaire mean being a liar?

America's dam problems • meritocracy myth • Biden's border • united working class • where are the Black people, Mr. Packer? • war on women • Britney Spears' disability

Britney Spears joins a long US history of eugenics and forced sterilization of those with disabilities

With infrastructure deals in sight, the Democrats might save democracy without gutting the filibuster

Alabama district attorney aims to prosecute a woman for taking prescribed drug while pregnant

Republican-controlled state governments are in the early stages of forming their own thought police

Black Americans and Americans of color have limited space in George Packer's 'Four Americas'

The 'Tea Party' is long dead, but a new fake 'protest movement' is in the making. See Loudoun County

Joe Biden has a once-in-a-lifetime chance to unite the working class in a global race against China

Conservative Democrats keep telling stories about Republicans that Republicans keep blowing up

Biden and Harris are wrong on the border

Meritocracy is the myth that binds us

No, the Republicans aren't hypocrites

We did it!

Trump transcended class divisions between white people. GOP governors are inflaming them

The 21st-century 'water wars' are here

Reasons for hard political hope

GOP loves the filibuster because they love gridlock • the covid didn't come from a Chinese lab • the world Title IX made for us • who's afraid of critical race theory? • plus John Stoehr's week

What does a democratic society do with people who'd rather die than be wrong about democracy?

Who's afraid of critical race theory? After reading this essay, hopefully you'll see it isn’t scary at all

Yale Law's famed tiger mother is guilty of many things, but sexual harassment isn't one of them

If there's a disease outbreak, there's a conspiracy theory to explain it. Trump's playing an old game

How the press corps severs public debate from the constraints of history, creating space for real harm

At the heart of 'the culture war'? Lies

No, the filibuster does not protect the Democratic Party. It creates the gridlock that weakens it

'Giuliani tape' is reminder the Republicans would conspire with foreign leaders to defeat Democrats

When treason is profitable, it's legitimate

The greatest danger to women • What does the GOP believe in? • QAnon's yen for apocalypse • Proud Boys as terrorists • Don't blame 'defund the police' • plus John Stoehr's week

Debates over crime often omit domestic violence. Is that because most of the victims are women?

Saying he'll be 'reinstated' is no more irrational than anything Donald Trump said over four years

Is there anything, anything at all, the Republicans believe in other than consolidating their power?

How much juice do the Republicans think is left in the Trump squeeze? Because, that's all they got

Asking the American people to pay attention to Donald Trump again is inviting political backlash

The press corps' focus on the 'pedo cabal' obscures the core of QAnon’s ideology

Canada has designated the Proud Boys a domestic terror group. Why hasn't the US?

What we're talking about when we talk about democracy isn't just voting. It's equality

There is no causal link—none—between 'defund the police' and the rise of murder rates nationally

No, it's not shocking that QAnon believers long for a military coup. For them, this is the End Times

Purple mountain majesty

The simplest way to reform SCOTUS • the danger of unrelenting bullshit • the GOP's doubling down on Trumpism • most mass shooters are violent domestic abusers • plus John Stoehr's week

Most shooting massacres are domestic violence incidents occurring in the home and out of sight

What do the January 6 commission, covid deaths and gun massacres have in common? God's chosen

The Senate GOP is ready to block a bipartisan commission to investigate the insurrection. Is it time for filibuster reform?

If you’re willing to say anything for power, that’s fascism—even, or especially, if you do not mean it

Doing more of what got Trump beaten in the election isn't working out well for Republicans

The Republicans Party's unrelenting onslaught of bullshit is forcing Republicans to leave the party

Carl Schmitt, leading exponent of Nazi political thought, would feel at home in today's GOP

The simplest way to reform SCOTUS may be for Biden to refuse to enforce its politicized rulings

Liz Cheney is less bad than the GOP fascists but as long as she tolerates nonstop lying, she's still bad

Legal history of firing-squad executions • SCOTUS aims to strike down Roe • Prejudice against working poor • Before there was Trump, there was Reagan • Plus John Stoehr's week

Nearly everyone missed Chuck Schumer implying this week that the filibuster's death is coming

South Carolina went 10 years without an execution. There's no good reason for firing squads now

How can the Republicans avoid relitigating the 2020 election when their future depends on relitigating it?

Republican governors believe the working poor must be forced back to work. They are wrong

There are two ways of reading Joe Manchin's new voting-rights proposal. That's probably by design

At least four justices want to overturn Roe

Trump's 'big lie' is actually the GOP's 'long lie'

There's just one reason to oppose a bipartisan commission to investigate the 1/6 insurgency

Moral people don’t draw attention to their virtue, but amoral people spend a lot of time sending signals

Abortion pill access • Liz Cheney is right • Deadly police force is a 'crime against humanity' • retire now, Justice Breyer • Anti-Federalists' lesson • anti-racism does not hurt the Dems

For the GOP, terrorism is an option

The pandemic expanded access to the abortion pill. Now anti-choice states are racing to catch up

A political party can’t accomplish anything when it's 100 percent focused on stopping everything

In this particular case, Liz Cheney is right, and it shouldn't be terribly difficult for liberals to say so

The patriots among us are getting woke

Report by human-rights lawyers calls lethal police force against Black people 'crimes against humanity'

Justice Breyer, will you please retire now please?

How do we know Trump's insurrection hasn't stopped? Because the GOP can't stop lying.

Though they lost the fight over the Constitution, the Anti-Federalists saw its most dangerous defects

A new study involving 5,089 participants finds that anti-racism does not hurt support for Dem policy

By embracing the Big Lie, the Republicans risk injuring swing voters in the coming midterms

Liz Cheney's big bet • wokeness is good • systems of white supremacy • memory-holing Trump's putsch • Nikki Haley and white fragility • why it's legal in 19 states to assault kids

Why the GOP-fueled 'controversy' over critical race theory has nothing to do with critical race theory

Why it's legal in 19 states to physically assault kids

No, Mr. President. The Republicans have figured out who they are and what they stand for. And it's bad

Nikki Haley's illustration of white fragility

The memory-holing of Trump's putsch

The very rich are overruling democratic progress. That should renew the old American contempt

White supremacy is about systems, not intentions. Joe Biden seems to understand the difference

Wokeness is good. It always has been

Liz Cheney is betting 'the former guy' won't be the GOP's kingmaker, or king, for very much longer

The stink of treason clings to the GOP

Is America a racist country? It's not a statement of fact so much as an assertion of public morality

US as Christian nation? • GOP opposition to DC • why the right hates vaccines • intellectual conservatism for make-believe Republicans • Ray Suarez: America's baked demographic cake

The United States was not founded as a Christian nation, but it acted like one for much of its history

Fighting vaccines is fighting reasonableness. The Republicans are pretending they don't know that

Glenn Grothman is very bad, or very good, at explaining why the GOP opposes DC statehood

Vaccines are the welfare state's crowning achievement. Naturally, the right hates them

Last night's speech made clear Joe Biden is the most republican president in half a century

Intellectual conservatives seem to be redefining conservatism for make-believe Republicans

See through the GOP's lies to the conscious authoritarian intent to injure the republic

For survivors of childhood trauma, SCOTUS affirmed what they believe secretly but must fight every day

Justice Brett Kavanaugh shows that without democracy conservatism turns into barbarism

America’s demographic cake is baked

George Floyd’s Black body on trial • how to make cops pay civil damages • Maxine Waters gets it • Brian Sicknick's insurgent cause of death • ICE and Border Patrol are not making us safer

George Floyd’s Black body was on trial

David Brooks is maddening but he has an important role to play in moving the needle of progress

There was a brief time when civil courts could force cops to pay damages. Then SCOTUS stepped in

The Chauvin verdict isn't a turning point in equal justice. But it does suggest a new political norm

Maxine Waters understands why violence from an armed-agent of the state is existential

What Derek Chauvin's conviction in the murder of George Floyd tells us about liberal patriotism

Capitol cop Brian Sicknick died of natural causes, but don't kid yourself. The insurgency killed him

Odds are in favor of Chauvin's acquittal

ICE and the Border Patrol consume $20 billion a year, but have not made us safer. Just the opposite

The 'migration crisis' is a complete fiction

The market is becoming less useful to Republicans. The long marriage of convenience is over

America does not have to wait for the next insurgency. We’re still living in the first one

The history that went into killing Adam Toledo

Q is exposed. Will he face consequences?

Pro-life politics isn't as moral as you think

There will be no justice as long as people refuse to see the anti-Black racism behind the injustice

Militarized police should not be seen as normal and, therefore, acceptable parts of democratic life

Better to be popular than bipartisan

The problem isn’t that judges are too liberal or too conservative. It’s that judges are too powerful

Maybe we should take cops' guns away

White Americans feared they'd one day become victims of the monstrous capitalism they built

A voting law doesn't have to mention race to disenfranchise voters according to race

What North Carolina's newest anti-trans bill says about the lopsided alliance pushing for it

Senior Trump administration officials sabotaged public understanding of the covid. Drag 'em

Will the big business wing of the Republican Party stop the GOP's retreat from the national stage?

Witnesses to Floyd's death seem to feel more guilt than does the man charged with his murder

By standing for democracy, corporations are making it look like the Republicans stand against it

Why did Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson call an anti-trans bill 'indefensible' before vetoing it?

No, Democrats would not be conservative in Europe

Don't dismiss McConnell's 'warning' to corporations

The politics of 'white' Latinx voters

No, Dems are not trying to cut taxes on the rich

'Vaccine passports,' or something like them, are a common feature in American history

Too many non-religious liberals are magnifying the preferred worldview of religious zealots

Joe Biden will never look like a radical

My Black conservative senator needs to stand up to the voter suppression efforts of his party

Facing a fascist GOP, a big business lobby finds that liberals are more trustworthy

Are the Republicans really going to say no to $4 trillion in public investment? Yeah, probably

Glenn Greenwald appears to believe there's a constitutional right to PayPal. That's weird

For Republicans in Georgia, the problem was never election insecurity. It was the voters themselves

Biden's revolution is not being televised

Yes, the founders favored gun control

Dems run most American cities but won't take control of their out-of-control police. Why?

What Elizabeth Bruenig gets wrong about American Rescue Plan and why that's important to women

The desire for martial order behind the story of Kamala Harris 'failing' to salute the military

On immigration, Biden must go on offense

We must concede that by tolerating shooting massacres, we are choosing not to be free

'Border crisis' as Republican advantage may be conventional wisdom proven wrong this time

The history you did not know behind the push to make the District of Columbia a new state

The Republican Party seems willing to absorb as many legislative losses as possible. Why?

Massacres are what happen when a republic solves its problems by militarizing itself

Liberals, leftists are united in believing in government. Everything else is negotiable

Chuck Todd and the anti-moral press

Why is the president building bridges to the left, instead of the right? Because he must

Chauvin's attorney is back on his bullshit

Atlanta shooter’s claims—'sex addiction,' eliminating 'temptation,' Christian morality—do not matter

'Cultural left' has gone mainstream

Ignore centrist pundits puling over leftists

Actually, McConnell has always been bad at his job, and nuking the filibuster will prove it

There's a growing body of evidence showing the Republican Party has a paramilitary wing

Why does the right insist Biden is senile?

For the child-migrant crisis on the border, the Republicans offer no solutions. That's the point

The violence that shaped us

The old 'radical' is the new 'boring'

Joe Biden: The government is us

No 'Hyde' in American Rescue Act. That's a BFD

We are entering a period of political stability in which active liberal governance feels 'boring'

The GOP's push to restore Jim Crow

Picking up where the Great Society left off

When the chips are down, you can count on the Democrats to come through. The GOP? Nah

This Democratic Party is the one progressives wanted. Will they recognize their success?

American Rescue Act is the BFD that we've been waiting for but that everyone misunderstands

Why right-wing fetishes are never benign

Focusing so much on $1,400 is a mistake

Using the n-word did not end Donald McNeil's storied career at the Times. His incuriosity did

GOP radicalization won't stop on its own

The Democrats have run out of fucks

Actually, conservative Senate Democrats are doing exactly what they are supposed to. Playing ball

Republicans know their new 'culture war' isn't fooling anyone, much less Republicans

The Democrats are not going to stand with Cuomo the way the Republicans still stand with Trump

Raise hell to keep from going to hell

It's at 10:30 a.m. today

My 'wild and precious life'

The GOP's special Anti-Choice Math

Violence explains 'The Golden Trump'

The whole truth about 'cancel culture'

For Biden, 'democracy promotion' starts at home

The truth about the minimum wage

The gender politics of public tears

Does Biden have a Joe Manchin problem?

The fundamental and winning difference between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ted Cruz

When the Golden Rule is used to silence dissent and protect the politically powerful

Ted Cruz is afraid but not afraid enough

What is the link between Trumpland, QAnon, evangelical culture and child-sex predators? 4chan

Death is Limbaugh's only accountability

McConnell and Trump are not breaking up

The reason Biden must reopen schools

Stop calling the GOP 'conservative'

Fascists show that being American does not automatically mean believing in democracy

Insurgency will happen again

Will the losers write the history of Donald Trump's second impeachment acquittal?

No, the Democrats did not botch anything

Acquitting Trump would prove the Republicans refuse to be part of our democratic community

Don't let the 'Q shaman' and his antics trivialize the importance of protecting religious freedoms

How do you beat a 'pretty damning' case?

Should a South Carolina liberal support a Trump Republican who voted to impeach Donald Trump?

Don't believe the Republicans. The fix is in

Is impeachment about 'regime change'?

This is what the Senate Republicans' impeachment lies reveal about them

Who needs Russian psyops when there's a huge US market for conspiracy theories promising democracy's violent overthrow?

The Senate's barbarous Republicans

When it came to immigration, legal and illegal, Donald Trump was his own worst enemy

Purposeful and pernicious centuries-deep racial discrimination is real and we can't wish it away

The 'slippery slope' Republicans fear most

Why conservatives love 'the slippery slope'

No, Ashley Vanderbilt did not escape Q

The Republicans are bad for the economy, because they often seek out more and better ways to lie to us

The rape of the republic, felt but unsaid

Why Marjorie Taylor Greene could look a Parkland massacre survivor in the eye and call him 'a coward'

Why would the Republicans punish Marjorie Taylor Greene? She's doing what she's supposed to do

The Democrats' 'big, strong, bold' action should include efforts to renew loyalty to the republic

Donald Trump's second impeachment trial in the Senate is more meaningful than you think

Time for liberals to trust Chuck Schumer

The bar for unity is too low

Pause to appreciate Jennifer Psaki explaining the difference between good and bad partisanship

Joe Biden didn't just call for unity. He called for unity against enemies America must defeat

Will Biden lead to a 'Third Reconstruction'?

Trump was never made of Teflon

Now, white supremacy is treasonous

Can Republicans continue to be trusted?

Why Republicans won't fight terrorism

For Republicans, there is no choice

Is polite white society scared enough?

GOP's extortion won't work this time

In the end, consequences for Trump

Trump's 'confederate' insurrection

We're all Georgians now

The fiction of McConnell vs Trump

Trump broke the law, must face justice